



旅行计划 和谷歌MAPS -点击链接下载应用程序和规划您的巴士路线



pdf-icon.jpg校园的路线 和地图

pdf-icon.jpgISU校园路线 次

pdf-icon.jpg广场北 (上午/天)

pdf-icon.jpg东南/南区 (上午/天) 

pdf-icon.jpg北19街和12街交口 (上午/天)

pdf-icon.jpg蜜溪商场 (上午/天)

pdf-icon.jpg蜜溪商场 (晚上)

pdf-icon.jpg东沃巴什/东蝗虫 (上午/天)

pdf-icon.jpg南7日 (上午/天)

pdf-icon.jpg南7日 (晚上)

pdf-icon.jpg东北 (晚上)

  • 时刻表标明了指定出发时间的公共汽车站. Between those designated time points, there are several bus stops that are not listed. 如果你的站点没有列出来,那就找出离你最近的站点. 在ISU校园路线上,您可以在路线的任何点标记公共汽车.
  • Arrive at your stop at least 5-10 minutes before the bus is due and wait at least 5-10 minutes after the scheduled arrival time. 我们的司机尽一切努力准时运行,但可能会出现延误.
  • 在街角等公共汽车,而不是在街区中间. 公共汽车来的时候,请给它打个旗子.
  • Please have your ISU Student ID card or similar ISU identification card ready when boarding.
  • 公共汽车上不允许吸烟、吃、喝、乱扔垃圾. You are only allowed to bring onto the bus the number of packages that you can carry unassisted. 巴士司机不允许帮助你装卸包裹. 在公共汽车上必须穿衬衫和鞋子. VIOLATION OF ANY OF THESE POLICIES CAN RESULT IN SUSPENSION OF YOUR RIDING PRIVILEGES.
  • 停止信号位于窗户上方或窗户之间. 当你需要下车时,向前面一个街区的司机发信号.

The one of the largest project that this administration will take on is the development and implementation of the 公共汽车计划. This initiative was one of great interest during the election of our student leaders and this administration is charged with fulfilling student interest in having a university and city wide transportation system. 这个项目对我校的景观有着重要的意义. The 公共汽车计划 is a package of on campus and city bus routes along with a special evening route specialized for college student usage.


Construction employees are required to park with a Construction Permit in Lot N (11st and Chestnut), 地段D Ext(九号及鹰角), 或K地段(1号及栗子). Contractors will be allowed to request an appropriate number of permits depending upon the project size for “core campus” parking. These permits should be used for carpooling or transporting employees to/from the construction and the construction parking lots. Contractors will also be allowed to have 2 foreman construction permits per project which will allow the foreman direct access to the construction project

常规课程不在上课时间(i.e. 周末, 秋天打破, 冬季休会, and summer sessions [the Monday after commencement thru one week before move-in]) contractors and their employees will be allowed to park in any regular/open lot on campus with a construction permit unless the lot is reserved for an event.

如欲订购许可证,请电邮至 ISU-停车@glutendiet.net 或到北纬210号办事处查询. 印第安纳州特雷霍特第六街


泊车服务确实保证了学生, 工作人员, and visitors have access to the parking spaces they pay for by providing consistent enforcement of all parking rules and regulations. 停车场由我们的停车服务社区服务人员巡逻.


如果你违章停车, 必须于五个工作天内交回泊车服务办事处. 你可以用现金支付违章罚款, MC/Visa/Discover或check, 是给bc菠菜导航的. 5天未付款后, the amount will be charged to your account and will need to be paid in the Controllers Office. 票 that are not linked to an ISU student or 工作人员: If payment is not received within 45 days of the date of the ticket, 债务将转交给我们的讨债公司. 届时,如适用,可能会评估额外的收集费用.  This could impact your credit rating, and therefore, we urge you to make payment as soon as possible. 

  • 违章停车或无许可证罚款25美元.00
  • 违反障碍罚款100美元.00
  • 违反黄色区域罚款25美元.00

A vehicle will be booted and/or towed after it has accumulated 5 or more paid or outstanding parking violations. 所有违章停车费和50美元罚款.要在48小时内取出靴子,必须全额支付100英镑的靴子移除费. 如果车辆也被拖曳,可能会增加额外的拖曳费.

Any attempt to move a booted/immobilized vehicle or remove the device may cause serious damage to the vehicle.


Appealing a ticket means that you do not agree with the decision of 停车服务 to hold you responsible for the violation. 如果你觉得你被票错了或不同意票, you may file a parking appeal with 停车服务 (see below for examples of appeal reasons that will NOT be waived). 停车上诉必须以书面形式提交. The forms are available at the 停车服务 Office at 218 N 6th Street or can be filled out with the 可打印的形式,并邮寄至北纬218号国际州立大学停车服务中心. 第6街,特雷豪特,47809. 申诉将由停车申诉委员会(由教员组成)审查, 工作人员, students) and a decision to waive the ticket or to uphold the ticket will be made by the committee.


只有在你有正当理由的情况下才能上诉. You should limit your appeals to those circumstances in which the parking ticket was issued in error and/or you did not commit a violation.

如果事实证明你违反了停车规则, 你的上诉将被驳回, 无论违规的原因或借口如何.

Your personal opinion that the parking rules are unfair or that there is insufficient parking on campus is not a legitimate basis for appeal.

票 must be appealed within five (5) working days of the date appearing on the ticket. 在五(5)个工作日后提出的上诉要求将不予受理.

如有需要,上诉委员会每月开会一次. The decision of the committee is final and a violation may not be re-appealed unless significant new evidence or proof is submitted. 他们的决定将通过邮件通知你.

  • 对法规缺乏了解.
  • 丢失了引用.
  • 健忘.
  • 只能在短时间内停车.
  • 开着闪光灯.
  • 计价器不可能超过几分钟.
  • 我带的东西太多了,没法停在停车场里.
  • 找不到合法标明的停车位.
  • 是否使用了错误的空间许可证.
  • 未能取得临时许可证.
  • 没有看到停车标志.
  • 还有其他车辆停放不当(“其他人都这样做”)。.
  • 我的车上没有收到罚单.

阅读是大学社区每个成员的责任, 理解, 并遵守停车规则. 对规则的无知不能作为对罚单提出上诉的可接受理由.  


Incoming Freshmen and Transfer students - to recieve a Sycamore ID Card - visit 停车服务, 218 N 6th Street (look for the blue awning) to have your photo taken and receive your ID card.

我在哪里取我的学生证?   停车服务办公室- 218北第六街-伯福德和埃里克森之间  学生必须出示州身份证或驾驶执照来领取他们的Sycamore身份证.


Returning students needing new Sycamore ID cards can visit 停车服务 during normal business hours for a replacement.



你的梧桐卡是你的大学身份证. 当你进入学校时,你必须携带你的Sycamore身份证.

The Sycamore ID card provides access to many of the University's special services including:

  • 图书馆服务
  • 食品服务
  • 娱乐设施/设备
  • 体育活动
  • 戏剧事件
  • 学生电脑服务

您的第一张卡是免费赠送的. 补领损坏、遗失或被盗的信用卡,须缴付15元的费用.**

你的梧桐身份证不可转让. 只有获发该卡的人才有资格使用该卡. Sycamore ID Cards that are used by individuals other than the owner will be confiscated and destroyed. 损坏的卡必须由所有者按重置费用补发.

如果你的Sycamore身份证出现问题, 请与停车场服务处联络 办公时间,电话:(812)237-8888.

领取你的梧桐身份证: New employees and students are eligible for a Sycamore ID card upon hire or enrollment at the University or as part of the orientation program. Identification documents must be presented in-person before the Sycamore ID card can be issued. 文件必须包括照片和姓名信息(护照), 驾驶执照或州身份证). 如果您没有此文档, 请向停车服务人员咨询. 

类似于联邦护照的要求, 个人不得佩戴任何类型的面罩, 包括面纱, 面具, or sunglasses that cover any part of the face during the photographing for the Sycamore ID card. 如果虔诚的宗教传统要求戴头巾是允许的, 习俗或信仰, 如果这些覆盖物没有遮住脸. (护照要求:除非因宗教原因每天佩戴, 拍照时应摘下所有帽子或头饰...in all cases, no item or attire should cover or otherwise obscure any part of the face.)

**请注意:如果您的卡丢失或被盗,您有膳食计划, please contact Dining 服务 at 812-237-4138 immediately so a hold can be put on your account. 营业时间以外, contact the 校园 Cupboard at 812-237-3869 to place a hold on your account and get a temporary meal pass.